
Latest update: December 16, 2022

DAS Solar Co., Ltd.(“DAS Solar” or “We”) is well aware of the importance of personal information to you and will do its best to protect the security of your personal information. Through the Personal Information Protection and Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy"), we at DAS Solar will explain to you the purpose, method and scope of your personal information collected and used by/through our products and services, your rights to your personal information, and the security measures we have taken to protect information security. The Policy is very important for you to use our products or services. Please read all the contents hereof carefully and thoroughly before using our products or services.

The Policy applies to all products and services of DAS Solar, and may also apply to the products or services of our affiliated companies if they incorporate any product or service provided by DAS Solar but there is no applicable privacy policy. If we and our affiliated companies have separate privacy policies for the products or services provided to you, then applicable privacy policies shall apply to relevant products or services respectively.

It should be noted that the Policy does not apply to products or services provided to you by any other third party.

About Us

DAS Solar Co., Ltd. is a solar energy technology company incorporated in China and located in Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, with its registered address at No. 43 Bailing South Road, Green Industry Clustering Zone, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province. If you have any question, comment or suggestion about the Policy and your information, as well as question about these statements or any privacy measure of DAS Solar, please contact us through the following contact information, and we will process and give feedback in a timely manner as required by laws and regulations: e-mail: info@tangzhikang.com tel.:+0510-80527063 mail: DAS Solar Co., Ltd., No. 43, Bailing South Road, Green Industry Clustering Zone, Quzhou, Zhejiang Province. You may also contact us through online submission, and we will arrange feedback as soon as possible after receiving your request.


DAS Solar Co., Ltd. (“DAS Solar” or “We”) is committed to maintaining your trust in us and abiding by the following principles for the protection of your personal information: the principles of accountability, specific purpose, minimum necessity, assured security, participation, openness and transparency. Meanwhile, we promise to take corresponding security measures as required by laws according to the mature security standards in the industry to protect your personal information. Where, personal information refers to various information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the personal identity of a natural person independently or in combination with other information. Please read the Policy carefully before using the products or services we provide to understand our approach for the protection of personal information of customers. If you do not agree with the terms of the Policy, you can close relevant products and services by clicking "Disagree" in the corresponding interface, and then we may not be able to provide you with relevant products and services. If you click "Agree", it means that you fully and clearly understand the following collection and use of information, your rights in relation thereto and otherwise.

The Policy will help you understand the following:

1. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

We collect personal information in order to operate more efficiently and provide you with the best use experience. The channels we collect personal information include: (1) information you provide us; (2) information collected during your use of products or services; and/or (3) your personal information obtained from a third party. The information we collect depends on the products you actually use, the environment you interact with us and the choices you make, including your privacy settings and the products and functions you use. Our products and functions include core business functions and value-added business functions. When we collect information, you do not have to provide us with personal information. For core business functions, if you choose not to provide them, we may not be able to provide you with relevant services, nor respond to or solve the problems you encountered. For value-added business functions, you can choose whether to agree with us to collect information, if you refuse to agree, the relevant value-added business functions may not be realized, but it will not affect your use of our core business functions.

I. How we collect and use your personal information

1.1 Information you provide us

(1) In order to create and maintain your service account, you may need to provide us with some of your personal information. When you choose to register your personal user service account, we need you to provide us with your mobile phone number, SMS verification code and other information to register your account and help you log in and use relevant services; when you choose to register a supplier account, you need to provide us with the account number, nickname, email address, email verification code and other information of you or the enterprise or institution you represent in order to register your account and help you log in and use relevant services. If you refuse to provide such information, we may not be able to create service account for you or the enterprise or institution you represent, and then you may not be able to experience relevant services. After you complete the registration of your personal user account, we will provide you with services to complete your personal profile. You can choose whether to provide us with email address and other information, so that we can provide you with more personalized services. We will not force you to provide such information. Your refusal to provide such information will not affect the use of the basic functions of relevant services.

(2) In order to provide you with recruitment services, you may need to provide us with your name, gender and other personal identity information, mobile phone number, e-mail and other basic personal information, education, work experience and other personal education and work related information, so that we can assist you in completing your resume creation, job application and necessary communication. The recruitment services we provide include both mandatory and optional information. If you refuse to provide the required information, we may not be able to provide you with relevant recruitment services, but for the optional information involved, if you refuse to provide such information, your use of the basic functions of the recruitment services will not be affected.

(3) In order to organize on-line and off-line activities, we may organize exhibitions or on-line media activities from time to time. For such purpose, we need you to provide us with your name, gender, mobile phone number, email address, job title, company/organization, industry category, etc., so as to complete identification verification and get in touch with you. If you refuse to provide such information, we may not be able to verify your identity and contact you, and you will not be able to participate in the exhibition or on-line media activities.

(4) In order to provide you with the feedback function, if you wishes to provide feedback to us, we will need you to provide and may collect your personal information, including your name, mobile phone number, e-mail address, address and your comments, so that we can contact you in time and give feedback on the results of our actions in response to your comments. If you refuse to provide such information, we may not be able to promptly understand and respond to your comments or requests, but it will not affect your use of the basic functions of relevant products or services.

1.2 Information collected during your use of products or services. In order to ensure the security of our products and services and user accounts, provide better products and services and improve user experience, we may collect some of your equipment information during your use of relevant products or services (including when you use relevant products or services through accounts registered under the name of an enterprise/institution), and information about how you and your device interact with our products and services, including:

(1) Device information: such as device attributes (such as your hardware model, operating system version, device configuration, unique device identifier, international mobile device ID code IMEI, network device hardware address MAC, advertising identifier IDFA), device location (such as location information obtained through GPS, blue tooth or WIFI signals), device connection (browser type, telecommunication system operator, language used) and device status (such as device sensor data, device application installation list). For the information collected from various devices of you, we may associate them so that we can provide you with consistent services on these devices. We may associate your device information or phone number with your service account.

(2) Log information and operation records: such as your use of our products or services, your account's operation behavior after login (including password modification, modification of associated mobile phone number, e-mail address, and complaint record), search query words entered through the service, software incident information (such as restart, upgrade, error, crash), IP address, URL of the service visited, browser type and language used, information about downloading, installing or using mobile applications and software, information about communicating with communication software, and date, time, duration and browsing information of accessing services. Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you will be constantly updated and developed. If a function or service is not included in the foregoing description and your information is collected, we will explain the content, scope and purpose of information collection to you through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, signing separate agreement and otherwise to obtain your consent. We will use your personal information strictly for the purposes described in the Policy, and your personal information will only be used for the purposes determined, explained and authorized by you at the time of collection. If we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in the Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance. If we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will ask for your consent in advance. Without the user's consent, we will not provide the user's personal information and behavior data to any third party.

2. Information obtained from third parties. If permitted by law, based on your authorization and in order to provide you with more optimized services and meet your personalized needs, we may receive your personal information or other information from our affiliated companies or cooperative units (such as third-party media institutions, third-party market research institutions and advertising service providers). We will use your relevant information within the scope of your authorization and consent.

3. Exception to authorization and consent to collect and use personal information. You are fully aware that, according to applicable laws, we do not need your authorization to collect and use your personal information under the following circumstances:

II. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

1. What is a cookie? Cookies are small files transmitted by our websites, applications or services and stored on your device. Cookies and other similar technologies, such as pixel tags and website beacons, may be used by our websites, on-line services, interactive applications, email addresses and advertisements. Cookies may be stored on your computer for a short time (such as only when your browser is turned on) or for a long time, or even for several years. We can't access cookies that aren't set by us.

2. Cookies and similar technologies we use

(1) We and our partners use cookies or similar tracking technologies to better understand the use of mobile software on your device, the frequency of your use of the application, the events occurring in the application, the cumulative use, performance data, and where to download the application. We will not link the information stored in the analytic software to any personal information you submit in the mobile application.

(2) We and our partners use cookies or similar tracking technologies to analyze trends, manage websites, track user behavior on websites, and collect information about the overall audience characteristics of our user base.

(3) Many web browsers have the Do Not Track feature. This function can send a "Do Not Track" request to the website. If Do Not Track is enabled in your browser, all our websites will respect your choice.

(4) Like most websites, we automatically collect certain information to analyze cumulative trends and manage our websites. These information may include Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), reference/exit pages, files you viewed on our websites (such as HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating systems, date/time stamps, and/or clickstream data.

(5) We work with third parties to display advertisements on our websites or manage our advertisements on other websites. Our authorized partners may use cookies or similar tracking technologies to provide you with advertisements based on your browsing activities and interests. If you want to opt out of interest-based advertising, please note that you will continue to receive non-personal targeted general advertisements.

3. Clearing/disabling cookies. Management of cookies and cookie preferences must be completed within your browser's options/preferences. The following are guidelines on how to do this in common browser software: Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Safari for macOS Safari for iOS 4. Further information about Cookies For details of Cookies and instructions on how to set your browsers to receive, delete or disable Cookies, please view 。

III. How We Keep Your Personal Information

1. The retention period of the personal information we collect shall be the shortest time required to achieve the purpose of collection described in the Policy, unless longer retention period is required by laws and regulations. We will delete or anonymize your personal information upon expiry of the above said retention period.

2. When we cease some or all of our products or services for special reasons, we will inform you in a timely manner and stop the collection and processing of personal information about relevant products or services, and delete or anonymize the personal information in our possession related to such products or services, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

IV. How We Share, Transfer or Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

1. How we share and transfer your personal information? In some cases, we may entrust a third party to process your personal information on our behalf. For example, companies that send SMS or email or provide technical support on our behalf can only use your personal information to provide services to you on our behalf. From time to time, we may share some personal information with affiliated companies and strategic partners who cooperate with us to provide products and services, so as to provide the products or services requested by you.

(1) Sharing with affiliated companies: to the extent permitted by laws and regulations, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies in order to comply with the law, protect the interests, property or security of us and our related parties or partners, you or other users or the public from damage, such as to prevent illegal activities such as fraud and reduce credit risk. We will only share personal information necessary for the above purposes. Without your consent, our affiliated companies will not use the shared personal information for any purpose other than the purposes specified above.

(2) Share with authorized partners: some of our services will be provided by authorized partners only for the purpose stated in the Policy. We may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. Our authorized partners include the following types: --Cloud service providers: some of our services will rely on third party cloud service platforms, and relevant business data will be stored on these cloud service platforms. The third party cloud service providers will collect your equipment information and network related information; --Logistics service provider: when you purchase our goods or participate in our activities to obtain prizes, if relevant goods/prizes need to be distributed by a third party, we will provide the third party logistics service provider with relevant distribution information you provided, including name/company name, mailing address, contact information, etc. for the purpose of distribution. In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by the Policy, otherwise we will require the company or organization to ask for your authorization and consent again. If the transfer of personal information is not involved, we will fully inform you and delete or anonymize all personal information under our control. Internally, in the previous acquisition and merger, the data (including user data) managed by the acquired and merged entity will be processed and protected with the same standards and requirements imposed to protect the data owned by DAS Solar. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals sharing personal information, requiring them to use personal information strictly in accordance with the purpose stated in the Policy statement and take relevant confidentiality and security measures to process personal information.

2. How we publicly disclose your personal information? We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) With your explicit consent; or disclosure as permitted by laws: if we are legally required to comply with subpoena or other legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements of government authorities, we may disclose your personal information if we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud or respond to government requirements.

3. Exception to authorization and consent to share, transfer or publicly disclose personal information.You are fully aware that, according to applicable laws, we do not need your authorization and consent to share, transfer or publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) if it is related to our obligations under laws and regulations;

(2) if it is directly related to national security and national defense security;

(3) if it is directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

(4) if it is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment enforcement;

(5) in order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is impractical to obtain your authorization and consent;

(6) the personal information involved is disclosed by you to the public;

(7) if your personal information is collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

V. How We Protect Your Personal Information

1. How we protect your personal information? We have taken reasonable and practical technical and organizational security measures to protect the information collected in connection with the services. We have adopted security measures that comply with industry standards to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss.

2. Notice and response to personal information security incidents. Please note that, although we have taken reasonable measures to protect your information, no website, Internet transmission, computer system or wireless connection is absolutely safe. In the event of a personal information security incident, we will comply with requirements of relevant laws and regulations and promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce risks, and the remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the event by mail, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform all individual subjects one by one, we will take reasonable and effective ways to publish the announcement. At the same time, we will also report the status of personal information security incidents according to the requirements of regulatory authorities.

VI. Your Rights to Your Personal Information

We respect your rights to your personal information. The following lists your rights according to law and how we will protect them.

1. Right to Know. We will inform you how we process your personal information by publishing the Policy and through specific announcements, SMS or email notifications as required by laws and regulations. We are committed to ensuring transparency in the use of your information. You can regularly check the Policy, receive emails and short messages explaining the update of the privacy policy, contact us through the methods disclosed in the Policy, and learn about the collection and use of your personal information.

2. Access Right. You can directly query or access your personal information in the interfaces of our products or services, including login to your account at any time through the product page to access the personal information related to your account. If you are unable to query or access your personal information on your own, or encounter any problems in exercising your data access right, you can contact us through the methods disclosed in the Policy and request access to your personal information.

3. Right to Correct. When you find that any personal information processed by us about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask us to make corrections or supplements. For some of your personal information, you may directly correct or modify them on relevant function page of the products or services. For the personal information not provided to you yet, you may contact us through the methods disclosed in the Policy and request to correct or supplement your personal information.

4. Right of Deletion. You can choose to delete some personal information you provided to us. For some of your personal information, you may delete them directly on relevant function page of the products or services. For the personal information not provided to you yet, or your personal information that we collected or used in violation of the agreement with you, you may contact us through the methods disclosed in the Policy and ask us to delete your personal information.

5. Account Cancellation Right. We provide you with account cancellation service, and you may choose to cancel your account in the product interface. After you choose to cancel your account, we will delete or anonymize all your relevant personal information in a timely manner according to laws and regulations, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations. After you log out, we may not be able to provide you with account login and account related products and services.

6. Withdrawal of Consent. Certain basic personal information shall be required for the completion of each business function (see "How we collect and use your personal information" in the Policy). You may delete information, disable device settings, change relevant product or function settings pages, and log off your account and otherwise to change the scope of your authorization granted to us to continue the collection of personal information or withdraw your authorization. If you withdraw your consent and authorization, we may not be able to continue to provide you with the services covered by the withdrawn consent or authorization. At the same time, we may no longer process the corresponding personal information, but your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the previous processing of personal information carried out based on your authorization.

7. Right to Complain. You have the right to contact us and make a complaint through the means disclosed in the Policy. We will reply within 15 working days from the date of receiving your complaint. If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially when our personal information processing has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, you may also make a complaint or report to governing regulatory authority, or file lawsuit to a court of competent jurisdiction. Please note that, for security reasons, we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. For those requests that repeat without cause, require too many technical means (for example, need to develop new systems or fundamentally change existing practices), cause risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impractical, we may reject them and give you specific reasons in the reply. In addition, if your request directly involves national security, national defense security, public health, criminal investigation and other matters directly related to public interests, or may cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations, we may not be able to respond to your request.

VII. How We Process Personal Information of Minors

Our products, websites and services are not for minors. If we collect personal information of minors occasionally, we will try to delete relevant information as soon as possible after verification. If you find that we have collected personal information of minors in the process of using our products and services, please contact us through the contact information disclosed in the Policy. We will promptly check it after your notice, and delete relevant information in a timely manner after verification.

VIII. Third Party Service Providers and Their Services

Our websites, products, applications and services may contain links to websites, products and services of third parties. You can choose whether to visit or accept websites, products and services provided by third parties. For example, the "Follow Us" function on the official website will guide you to visit our official account in the social network platform, where you can learn about the marketing or promotion information published by us. We cannot control the privacy and data protection policies of third parties, and such third parties are not bound by the Policy. Before submitting personal information to a third party, please refer to the privacy protection policies of these third parties.

IX. How to Transfer Your Personal Information Globally

If some products or services involve cross-border activities, we may need to transfer your personal information outside the region where you are located. Under that circumstance, we will strictly comply with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations and ensure the security of your personal information.

X. Other Provisions

If the information you provide contains personal information of any other user, you are required to ensure that you have been legally authorized to do so before providing such personal information to us.

XI. How to Update the Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify the Policy from time to time. We will send you a notice of change through various channels. For major changes to the privacy policy, if you have provided us with an email address, we will notify you through your email before the change takes effect, otherwise we will publish notices on our website or push notifications to you through our devices.

The Policy is subject to adjustments, but without your express consent, we will not make adjustment which may impair your rights under the Policy.

If you do not agree with the privacy policy above mentioned, we may not be able to collect and use the information necessary for providing services, so that we cannot provide services for you normally. The Policy will come into force as of the date of update.

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