
DAS Solar explores sustainable rural development with "Photovoltaic +" in Jiangxi


Developed by the Guangdong Energy Group, with DAS Solar as the module supplier, the 100MW Forestry Agrivoltaics Project in Hengbu Town, Chongren County, China, has successfully been connected to the grid.



Located in the southeastern part of Jiangxi Province, Chongren County boasts a typical subtropical monsoon climate with approximately 1700 hours of sunshine on average annually, ensuring plenty of sunshine. By utilizing the elevation difference between photovoltaic modules and the ground, the Forestry Agrivoltaics Project in Hangbu Town of Chongren County promotes the cultivation of economic developments.


DAS Solar has continually invested in technological innovation in recent years, exploring innovative application models such as "photovoltaics +", and has developed a series of successful cases in agrivoltaics, forestry agrivoltaics, and fishing agrivoltaics. By integrating photovoltaic power generation with traditional diversified formats, the modernization of agriculture and revitalization of rural areas have been accelerated.



It is estimated that the Chongren County 100MW Forestry Agrivoltaics Project will generate approximately 103 million kWh of clean electricity once it is commissioned, which is equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions by about 86,000 tons and saving about 32,000 tons of standard coal per year. DAS Solar's green exploration not only maximizes land ecology and economic benefits but also contributes to the healthy and sustainable development of the local rural economy.

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